1. Impact On Self-Confidence

The gap caused by missing teeth can impact your confidence and self-esteem.
People with missing teeth may cover their mouth when laughing or talking, or avoid smiling and other motions that display their teeth.

3. Bone Structure Can Alter

When a tooth is missing the gum and bone are no longer stimulated and this can lead to the jaw bone shrinking and gum pulling back. Neighbouring teeth can be affected, again increasing the risk of further tooth loss.
A person’s appearance can also be negatively impacted, the reduced jaw bone making the face appear older with cheeks that are hollow and more likely to sag.

5. The Solution Can Be Truly Long-Term

Different solutions for missing teeth provide different degrees of longevity. A partial denture may seem like a cost effective option but it is one that lasts five years or more in just 40% of cases.
Contrastingly, dental implants have a 98% success rate and often last a life time, because the implant becomes part of the jawbone, replicating the function of a natural tooth. In 90% of cases, implants will still be effective 15 years after their insertion.
Treatment for missing teeth is an investment, however set against the cost of ongoing dental care to remedy the many problems these missing teeth could create, in the long term this cost is likely to be money well spent.

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